Why You Might Not Need A Lawyer

Know When to Hire a Lawyer

One of the most common questions I get is "Do I need a lawyer for my car accident case?" The answer always depends on the specifics of each and every case. No situation is exactly alike, but each case has common ingredients.

I believe it is important that you educate yourself and determine if you truly need a lawyer or not. Typically, lawyers charge one third of your settlement as their fee for handling your case. Why would you pay a lawyer that much money if you don’t need to?

Now, there may be good reasons to hire a lawyer even if you might be able to handle it yourself. For example, you are probably able to mow your own lawn, but might decide to have someone do it to save time.

Some people believe, and advertise, that you should always have a lawyer for any type of personal injury or car accident case. However, hundreds of people handle their own personal injury or car accident case every day.

The problem is that there just isn’t enough information out there to help people determine if they need a lawyer or not for their car accident case. That is why I created the Ultimate Guide to Knowing if You Need A Lawyer Or Not For Your Car Accident Case. In this Guide, I walk you step by step through the considerations you need to think about before deciding if you need a lawyer or not. This Guide is completely free and comes with no strings attached. To get your copy, enter your name and email in the form and I'll send it to you.

You might be thinking, "Knowing if I need a lawyer or not is good and all, but what happens if I decide I don’t need a lawyer, then what do I do?" Request my South Carolina Car Accident Claims Guide in Plain English completely free. There I will take you step by step through the claims process.

Free Guide: When to Hire a Lawyer

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Free Initial Consultation

If you have been injured and would like to talk to a personal injury lawyer, please call today at 888-510-9359 or contact me by clicking below. I will be happy to listen to your situation and offer advice and help. A lawyer can meet you in our convenient locations in Greenville, Fort Mill, or Rock Hill. Please know that there is no obligation on your part for this free consultation.

Client Reviews

Brian Murphy and his team have been more than helpful and friendly. I appreciated how consistent they were with updating me regarding the case. They really care.

Charmeka M
Car Accident Client
Phillip G Car Accident Client

Brian did a great job with my case and resolved everything quickly and professionally.

Mr. Murphy was very professional and helpful. He promptly returned calls and answered questions. He was friendly and we were extremely pleased with the services he provided to us.

Sammie H 
Personal Injury Client

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