Who Is Legally Responsible in a Pile-Up Car Accident in South Carolina?

When multiple automobiles are involved in a collision, the results can be devastating. Traumatic accidents like this often result in serious bodily harm and injuries to many victims. Although determining who should be held liable for an accident like this can be complicated, it is important to know who is at fault so that all injuries and damages can be addressed properly.

Multi-vehicle collision laws vary from state to state. As such, if you have questions that apply to a specific pile-up car accident, it is important to speak with an attorney in your area. For example, in the state of South Carolina, a Rock Hill car accident lawyer, like those at the Law Offices of Brian Robert Murphy, can help. With that in mind, here, we will talk about who is usually held legally responsible for a pile-up car wreck in the state of South Carolina.

For Help from a Rock Hill SC Car Accident Lawyer, Contact the Law Offices of Brian Robert Murphy

Do you have questions about an automobile accident in South Carolina that involved multiple cars? If so, reaching out and speaking to an experienced automobile accident attorney in your state is likely the best way to find the specific answers you need to your unique pile-up car crash questions. An experienced Rock Hill, SC car accident lawyer can fill you in on what you need to know, answer your multi-vehicle collision questions, and help you form a strategy to seek compensation if you are eligible for reimbursement as a victim.

The Law Offices of Brian Robert Murphy Can Can Help with a Rock Hill, SC Car Accident!

If you are in South Carolina, you can contact the Law Offices of Brian Robert Murphy with your questions now. When you work with the Law Offices of Brian Robert Murphy, you can rest easy knowing that your case is in the best hands. With a skilled team of attorneys at the ready, you will be able to focus on healing and recovering from your multi-vehicle automobile accident. Schedule your consultation with the Law Offices of Brian Robert Murphy now!

Ask a Rock Hill, SC Car Accident Lawyer: How to Determine Liability in a Multi-car Collision?

Determining who is responsible (or, liable) for a multiple-car pile-up will involve discovering which driver caused the initial collision. Generally, this will be the person in the frontmost car that began the entire multi-vehicle crash chain reaction of collisions. This could be because that driver rear-ended someone in front of them, failed to maintain their lane, swerved into another vehicle, was engaged in distracted driving, using a cell phone, or something else. Nine times out of ten, this driver will be considered “at fault” for the pile-up. However, sometimes, determining fault gets tricky when multiple vehicles are involved. At this time, an experienced Rock Hill, SC car accident lawyer may be needed to support the claims of victims.

How do police determine which vehicle is at fault for a multi-vehicle collision?

Most automobile accidents involve only one or two vehicles. If you reverse into a structure or hit an animal while driving, only one car is involved, and determining liability is fairly simple. If you are T-boned at an intersection, usually two vehicles are involved, and a police officer will have to investigate the scene of the accident to see who most likely made driving errors. However, with multi-vehicle collisions, more than two vehicles will be involved, and determining liability can be far more complicated.

At the scene of an accident, responding police officers will investigate and pay attention to an array of factors including what witnesses say, the evidence and debris available on the scene, and more. They will also usually review any available surveillance footage, conduct interviews, and take lots of photos and videos that will be kept as evidence. From there, an in-depth crash report will be generated. Multi-vehicle crash reports are notorious for containing a great deal of evidence pertaining to which drivers may be at fault following a pile-up. If you believe that the fault of an accident isn’t being fairly divided, it is wise to contact a Rock Hill, SC car accident lawyer.

Why do Pile-Up Car Accidents Happen?

Pile-up automobile accidents can happen for many reasons. Often, these chain-reaction car crashes can be prevented. Here are a few of the most common reasons that multi-car pile-up accidents occur.

• Distracted or Intoxicated Driving

Driving while distracted or under the influence of drugs or alcohol is incredibly dangerous. A vehicle traveling in excess of 60 miles per hour will cross the length of an entire football field in under 2 seconds. Now, imagine speeding over a football field with your eyes closed or while drunk! You can see how distracted driving can easily cause a collision. When a driver takes their eyes off of the road, distracted driving can lead to rear-end collisions, merge-related crashes, and much more.

• Speeding

Speeding is another cause of multi-vehicle accidents. When a driver is traveling too quickly, their reaction time window gets smaller and smaller. If someone in front of them unexpectedly slows down or stops, the speeding driver may not be able to hit the brakes in time or slow down quickly enough to prevent serious damage. Once the initial collision occurs, other drivers traveling further back are likely to be involved in a pile-up. Speed-related multi-vehicle crashes often occur when congested traffic rounds a turn or goes over a hill, reducing the visibility ahead, and making it more likely for a stopped or slowed vehicle to go unseen until it is too late for a speeding driver to slow down and avoid them.

• Inclement Weather

Icy roads, blowing snow, high winds, and torrential rains can also make driving conditions dangerous. Not only does bad weather reduce visibility, but it can make the road surface more slippery, causing an array of dangerous movement issues.

What to Do if You Are in a Multi-Vehicle Pile-Up Crash in South Carolina?

If you were in a pile-up automobile accident, a Rock Hill, SC car accident lawyer can help. Your attorney will be able to answer your unique questions, help you speak with insurance claims adjusters, and devise a strategy so that you can more easily obtain the compensation you need to recover from your crash. Whether you need help paying your medical bills, talking to your insurance provider, or proving liability, an experienced Rock Hill, SC car accident lawyer, like the Law Offices of Brian Robert Murphy, can help.

Reach Out to the Law Offices of Brian Robert Murphy Now

If you or your family were involved in a serious multi-car pile-up, it is important to seek assistance from an experienced South Carolina automobile accident attorney as soon as possible. When you choose to work with the Law Offices of Brian Robert Murphy, an experienced legal team will be assigned to your case to assist you from start to finish. Do not hesitate to reach out to the Law Offices of Brian Robert Murphy as soon as you can after a serious collision.

The sooner you fill out a consultation form and speak with our team, the sooner we can begin assisting you. Click here to get in touch with the Law Offices of Brian Robert Murphy today!