What are Punitive Damages?

What are Punitive Damages?

South Carolina law tells us that punitive damages are designed to punish a wrongdoer because of the seriousness of the wrongdoer’s conduct. Examples of conduct that are more serious include driving while intoxicated or texting while driving. Compare those examples with driving too fast in the rain, which would most likely not qualify for punitive damages.

South Carolina law requires wrongdoer’s to put the injured person, as good as money can, in the position the person was before the injury. Additionally, if the wrongdoer’s conduct is especially bad, punitive damages seek to punish the wrongdoer and vindicate the injured person’s rights.

If you have been hurt in a car accident:

  1. Please read why I don’t believe it was an accident, here;
  2. Request my Free Guide, South Carolina Car Accident Claims Guide in Plain English, by clicking here.
  3. Call at 888-510-9359 or contact me for a free consultation. There is no obligation.