FAQ: What Rental Car Company Can I Use?

Do I need to use a specific rental car company for my rental car after a car crash? And the answer is you can use whatever rental car company you would like. Typically what is going to happen is the at-fault driver’s insurance company is going to arrange for a rental car for you. The … Read more

Where to Stop at a Stop Sign

When approaching a stop sign, South Carolina law requires drivers to stop before the crosswalk, stop bar, or the nearest point where you have a view of approaching traffic. (SC Code 56-5-2740).

Reduce Your Summer Crash Risk

  It’s summer. The air is warm and the sky is blue. It’s time for a road trip. Weather you are traveling to visit family or your favorite vacation spot, you and millions of others will hit the road this summer. Unfortunately, July and August are the most dangerous months to use the roadways. While … Read more

Frivolous: Walmart Blames Tracy Morgan

Frivolous: Walmart Blames Tracy Morgan After Walmart Trucker Causes Crash   Last month, Walmart blamed Tracy Morgan for the injuries he received when a Walmart trucker crashed into Tracy’s vehicle. Walmart’s offensive came in a legal response to Tracy Morgan’s lawsuit. Everyday, valid cases are filed across thousands of courthouses across our nation. Some are … Read more