What does the law say about car wrecks?
South Carolina law requires drivers who break the safety rules and hurt people to compensate the injurer person for all the harms and losses the wrongdoer caused. For list of the traffic safety rules, review the South Carolina Code at http://www.scstatehouse.gov/code/t56c005.php and the South Carolina Driver’s License manual available here, http://www.scdmvonline.com/dmvnew/forms.aspx.
Who pays my medical bills?
The wrongdoer is responsible for putting you in the position you were before the collision. That means paying the reasonable costs of your medical treatment. However, collecting the money from the wrongdoer’s insurance company may take some time. Often, your medical providers will not wait for your to be paid by the insurance company. You have a few options. One, you can go ahead and pay your bills, but few of us have that kind of cash laying around. Two, you can request your medical providers to submit their bills to your health insurance company (recommended). Three, many medical providers will make arrangements where you can make monthly payments. Four, you can do nothing and ignore the bills, which will most likely have a negative imapact on your credit rating and could expose you to bill collectors (not recommended).
Why is my medical insurance company refusing to pay my bills?
Many medical insurance companies refuse to pay medical bills for injuries from a car wreck. They reason that since someone else, the wrongdoer, is responsible, they don’t have to pay. Your medical insurance’s obligation to pay is governed by the policy, or contract. When your medical insurance company refuses to pay a medical bill, request a copy of your policy. Although it will take some time to pour through the legalize of your insurance policy, it will be worth your time if you find that there is no provision allowing them to refuse payment.
What if I don’t have any medical insurance, how can I go see a doctor?
Getting proper medical car when you are uninsured and after you have been injured in a wreck is complicated. Additionally, your situation may require you to get a lawyer. One, you can pay up front, but most of us don’t have that type of cash laying around. Two, you can try to work out payment arrangements, but many medical providers require up front payments. Three, your may know some medical providers who will treat you with a promise from your lawyer that your lawyer will pay the medical bill once your case settles. Four, there are some companies that will finance medical treatment, but most require you to have a lawyer. It is worth noting that many Chiropractors will provide treatment if you promise to pay them once your case settles.
Should I settle my case quickly?
No, never. Some insurance companies and adjusters will try to get you to settle your case very quickly, like within a couple of days after a wreck. Do not agree to this. You may not know how bad you are injured. Some injuries take time to manifest. Sometimes, injuries to one part of your body mask pain in another part of your body. How do you know when the time is right to accept an offer from the adjuster? When your doctor says your injuries have healed completely or if you have some permanent injury that your injuries are as good as they are going to get. Rely on your doctors.